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"This dystopian, sci-fi story delves beyond the surface. It is quite compelling, and it is rich in symbolism if one pays close attention. It deserves recognition in the independent film festival circuit. Wesley Moss delivers a breakout performance as Ivy, where a true star is born. Kristoffer Polaha and Emily Swallow are equally remarkable as Carter and Meredith, and kudos to Reggie Austin for his portrayal of Trey, and for bringing all of these mysterious and complex characters to life. This is one of those short movies that viewers would wish was longer; in fact, it ought to be a full-length feature film someday. 'The Marked' is well worth more than just a passing glance. It is evident that this project was a labor of love for all involved."

"Review: 'The Marked' is a short film starring Kristoffer Polaha," Digital Journal, Markos Papadatos, June 28, 2023

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